Congratulations On Knowing How To Spell This Word


How To Spell “Congratulations”

There only correct way to spell this word is: c-o-n-g-r-a-t-u-l-a-t-i-o-n-s.

Congratulation is a noun. The plural of this word is congratulations. This is a word that is used to “express praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion.”

Keep in mind that to use this word to express applaud or commend someone, it’s said with an “s” at the end:

Congratulations on getting married.
I knew you’d win first place. Congratulations!
All your hard work paid off. Congratulations on being named valedictorian.

Other Words Derived from “Congratulations”

The verb form of this word is congratulate, which means “to express good wishes or praise to someone after an achievement.”

She was busy, so I had to wait until the end of the party to congratulate her.

Congratulatory is an adjective with a similar meaning: expressing or displaying congratulations.

We were all so proud of his achievements. That’s why we organized this congratulatory party.

Congrats is an informal, shortened version of the word congratulations that holds the same meaning. If you’re familiar with this word, it could help you remember how to spell congratulations. You wouldn’t say congrads, but instead congrats. This could help you remember that the correct spelling of this word is always with a “t.”

Other Words and Phrases You Could Use Instead of “Congratulations”

There are several words and expressions you can use to congratulate someone, recognize their achievements, and let them know that you’re proud of them.

  • You did it!
  • Way to go!
  • Good job!
  • Nice going!
  • You deserve a pat on the back.

These expressions could be used alone, or in addition to congratulations:

  • You did it! Congratulations!

Good Job on Now Knowing How To Spell This Word

Congratulations is a commonly misspelled word. Many people spell it with a “d” instead of a “t.” This isn’t the only word that is often spelled incorrectly, though. If you want to make sure your spelling is immaculate, use LanguageTool as your writing assistant. Not only will it check for spelling and grammar mistakes as you write, but it’ll also easily provide synonyms and formatting improvements.