Class | Description |
ArabicCommaWhitespaceRule | |
ArabicConfusionProbabilityRule | |
ArabicDarjaRule |
A rule that matches words which should not be used and suggests correct ones instead.
ArabicDiacriticsRule |
A rule that matches words which are complex and suggests easier to understand alternatives.
ArabicDoublePunctuationRule | |
ArabicHomophonesRule |
A rule that matches words which are homophones and suggests easier to understand alternatives.
ArabicHunspellSpellerRule | |
ArabicInflectedOneWordReplaceRule | |
ArabicQuestionMarkWhitespaceRule | |
ArabicRedundancyRule |
A rule that matches redundant expression.
ArabicSemiColonWhitespaceRule | |
ArabicSimpleReplaceRule | |
ArabicTransVerbRule | |
ArabicWordCoherencyRule |
Arabic version of
AbstractWordCoherencyRule |
ArabicWordinessRule |
A rule that matches wordy expressions.
ArabicWordRepeatRule |
Word repeat rule for ŮŽArabic, to avoid false alarms in the generic word repetition rule.
ArabicWrongWordInContextRule |