Imperative Mood: What Is It? Read This Blog To Find Out

What Does “Imperative Mood” Mean?

The imperative mood is one of three grammatical moods and is used to express a command.

  • Go to your room.

Get in the Mood

Verbs are a part of speech that are as complex as they are important. There are a few different aspects of verbs that convey additional information about them, like tense, voice, and mood.

A verb’s mood helps convey the writer’s (or speaker’s) perspective or attitude. The subjunctive mood is used when referring to hypothetical scenarios and expressing wishes. The indicative mood is used to state facts and opinions, or to ask questions. And lastly, the imperative mood is used to state a command, such as:

Read this blog right now to learn more about the imperative mood.

Imperative Mood: What Does It Mean?

The imperative mood is used to express a command. A few examples are:

Close the door when you leave.
Remove the cover.
Sit down.

Commands in the imperative mood don’t always have to be so harsh, and can come in the form of a request, an instruction, a warning, or as advice.

Please bring me my jacket. (Request)
Help me zip it up. (Instruction)
Be careful. (Warning)
Put on a jacket before you go outside. (Advice)
Telling your dog to “stay” uses a verb in the imperative mood. 

How To Form the Imperative Mood: Examples

The imperative mood is formed by using a verb’s bare infinitive, which is the infinitive form of a verb without to.

Let’s take the verb (to) dance as an example. Its infinitive form without to is dance.

Dance like no one is watching.

In English, the subject of a verb in the imperative mood is usually an implied “you.”

Stay right here. = You stay right here.

Never pair “myself” with a verb in the imperative mood.

Please contact John or myself if you have any questions.

Please contact John or me if you have any questions.

They can, however, be paired with “yourself” or “yourselves.”

Give yourselves a round of applause.

Keep in mind that the imperative mood can also give commands to stop doing something.

Do not go to sleep late.

Imperative Mood vs. Indicative Mood

While the imperative mood is used for commands, the indicative mood is used to state facts or ask questions.

Take off your shoes, Suzanne. (Imperative)
Suzanne takes off her shoes. (Indicative)

Examples of Imperative Mood

Below you’ll find more examples of verbs in the imperative mood.

Make a left on Washington Street.
Explore Peru.
Turn off the light, please.
Excuse me.
Go for it!
Chew with your mouth closed.

Giving Commands Has Never Been So Easy

Even if giving commands comes naturally to you, you may find that proper verb usage doesn’t. Do not beat yourself up about it. Instead, check your writing with LanguageTool—an intelligent spelling and grammar checker that supports over 25 languages.