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Grammar & Punctuation

Incorrect Word Order
esempio Why I am not living with you? I am am I If this is a question, the word order is probably incorrect. Did you mean “Why am I”… ?
Wrong Use of Tenses & Words
esempio He did mentioned this earlier. mentioned mention After the auxiliary verb ‘do’, use the base form of a verb. Did you mean “mention”?
Basic Commas
esempio I am done and you? and , and Possible missing comma found.
Wrong Punctuation
esempio Teachers are uploading lectures and PPT's to the school website. PPT's PPTs A possessive apostrophe is not correct here. Did you mean “PPTs” (as in ‘more than one PPT’)?
Agreement Errors
esempio Thanks for all the reply. all the reply all the replies Did you forget to use the plural form here? If not, consider inserting ‘of’ after the determiner ‘all’.
Incorrect Word Combinations
esempio I like the car who has the big wheels. who that Did you mean “that”? ‘Who’ usually refers to a person, whereas ‘that’ refers to an object.
Advanced Missing Commas
esempio If it's fine with you go ahead without me you you, Consider inserting a comma after ‘you’ to make the sentence clearer.
Superfluous Commas
esempio I did that, because I was told so. , because because If the ‘because’ clause is essential to the meaning, do not use a comma before the clause.
In-Depth Punctuation
esempio Mr Peters told me so. Mr Mr. In American English, use a period after an abbreviation.


Basic Standard Language
esempio You've gotta new car. 've gotta got a The word ‘gotta’ is informal.
Unofficial Spellings & Non-Standard Forms
esempio The Super Bowl 56 happened in 2022. Super Bowl 56 Super Bowl LVI Do you want to use the official name including Roman numerals “Super Bowl LVI”?
Different Measurement Units
esempio It was 12 feet long. 12 feet 12 feet (3.66m) Writing for an international audience? Consider adding the metric equivalent.
esempio I am able to download the attachment to my local drive. I am able to see the files, but I don't know what to do then. I am able to see I can see You have already used this phrasing in nearby sentences. Consider replacing it to add variety to your writing.
Overused Words & Phrases
esempio It will take some time to get to a decision get to reach Replace ‘get’ with a more descriptive word to set your writing apart from others.
esempio In order to achieve anything, you should try. In order to To Consider a shorter alternative to avoid wordiness.
Informal Style Detection
esempio I will quit my job this month. quit resign from The word ‘quit’ may be considered informal sometimes. Use a more formal alternative in these situations.
Foreign Terms
esempio They threatened to resign from their jobs en masse. en masse all together To make your text as clear as possible to all readers, do not use this foreign term. Consider using an alternative term.


Incorrect Dates
esempio I was working on Thursday, April 11, 2011. Thursday, April 11, 2011 The date April 11, 2011 is not a Thursday, but a Monday.
Lack of Clarity
esempio Although it was raining, but we had the picnic. but - The word ‘but’ is not needed here and should be removed.
Word Confusion
esempio The court's decision set a key precedence. precedence precedent. Did you mean “precedent”? (As in ‘set an example’)
Double Negation
esempio Mike thought the instructor would not say nothing to him about that. nothing anything Did you mean “anything”?
Wrong Name in E-Mail
esempio To: [email protected] | Hello Sophie, Sophie Sophia Did you mean “Sophia”?

Format & Typography

Inconsistent Use of Numbers & Letters
esempio We heard the same story 5 or six times. 5 or six The numbering is inconsistent as you are switching between digits (1, 2, 3, …) and letters (one, two, three, …). Try to stick to one format if possible.
Incorrect Time and Date Formats
esempio I just checked and it's 13:14 am. 13:14 am If you are trying to use the 12-hour format, the time notation seems to be incorrect here.
Inconsistent Spacing
esempio A 30 % increase is sufficient. 30 % 30% In non-scientific texts, do not use a space in ‘30 %’.
Incorrect Currency Formats
esempio I owe him 100 £ for the car. 100 £ £100 The currency mark is usually put at the beginning of the number.


Basic Typos
esempio I live in Londonn. Londonn London Possible spelling mistake found.
Misspelled Names & Acronyms
esempio That would be a serious HIPPA violation. HIPPA HIPAA Did you mean ‘HIPAA’, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act”?
Casing Errors
esempio I know the bill of rights. bill of rights Bill of Rights “Bill of Rights” should be capitalized, as it is a proper noun.
ISBN & IBAN Numbers
esempio My IBAN is GB82WEST1234569876543. GB82WEST1234569876543 IBAN values starting with ‘GB’ consist of 22 characters (incl. ‘GB’), this one has 21 characters


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Dove posso utilizzare LanguageTool?

Puoi utilizzare LanguageTool senza un account utente su tutti i comuni browser ed editori di testo (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Word, LibreOffice). Inoltre, l'editor LanguageTool, compreso il controllo ortografico, è disponibile come app per Windows, macOS e iOS se ti sei registrato per ricevere un account gratuito di LanguageTool.

Qual è la differenza tra LanguageTool e gli altri correttori di testo come Word e Gmail?

Oltre al controllo ortografico di base, eseguito anche su Word e Gmail, LanguagTool controlla anche gli errori grammaticali e di punteggiatura. Vengono forniti inoltre suggerimenti di stile intelligenti per rendere la tua scrittura chiara e professionale.

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errori di stile, punteggiatura e grammatica

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Cercavamo uno strumento come questo dal passaggio a chrome. Ora non devo lasciare che i miei documenti vengano controllati a livello grammaticale. Lo adoro!



Cercavamo uno strumento come questo dal passaggio a chrome. Ora non devo lasciare che i miei documenti vengano controllati a livello grammaticale. Lo adoro!

