What Are Some Synonyms for “To Show”?
- To demonstrate
- To present
- To reveal
- To disclose
- To display
What Does “To Show” Mean?
Show has numerous definitions and can function as a verb or noun.
As a verb, to show means “to display or allow something to be seen.” In this sense, to show proves helpful when writing an expository essay or any other type of text that requires a lot of explanation or clarification.
To show how the conclusion was reached, we have to first review two key pieces of data.
A pillar of good writing, however, is the use of varied vocabulary. Even if your writing requires a lot of explanation, don’t just rely on the verb to show—there are plenty of words you can use in its place.
Below, you’ll find five synonyms for to show.
“To Show” Synonyms
1. To demonstrate
To demonstrate how this happened, a mini replica of the experiment was constructed.
Allow us to demonstrate the purpose of each strategically placed apparatus.
2. To present
To present the results as thoroughly as possible, two different programs were required.
We used a chart to present the results.
3. To reveal
To reveal why this happened, thousands and thousands of entries had to be analyzed.
The team used surveillance equipment to reveal where the pack of wolves was going at night.
4. To disclose
To disclose how the experiment concluded, we first had to provide our audience with general knowledge of artificial intelligence.
We needed to disclose several incidents that occurred.
5. To display
To display it accurately, a team of six designers worked on the exhibition.
The participants wanted to display their interpretations of the art.
Allow Us To Show You A Little Trick
Forgetting a word or not being able to think of more accurate synonyms are things that happen to all writers, regardless of how skilled. Luckily, we can always count on a quick online search to help us through these hindrances.
Why not save time and just double-click on a word to get a better synonym? That’s how it works with LanguageTool—an intelligent writing assistant that goes beyond correcting errors to enhance your text.

Besides correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors and simplifying the synonym search process, LanguageTool can also rephrase your sentences to better suit the desired style. Give it a go!