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Hardworking | Definition, Synonyms & Examples

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Enhance your resume with these synonyms for “hardworking.”

Hardworking (also spelled hard-working) is an adjective that describes someone or something as “constantly putting engaged and strenuous effort into a job or task.” 

The word “hardworking” is commonly used in resumes to convey that an individual is ambitious and resolute, making them an ideal candidate to hire. 

Example: Using hardworking in a resume

A hardworking problem solver who thrives in project management, negotiations, and customer service with a keen attention to detail and commitment to excellence

Synonyms for hardworking

Although being hardworking is a great characteristic to have and want to showcase in a resume, like the phrase “team player,” it is quite overused.

If you want your resume (or cover letter) to stand out, try incorporating these words below. Although they’re not all direct synonyms, they can enhance the descriptions in your resume by vividly illustrating what type of hardworking person you are. 

1. Committed

Someone who is committed gives their time, energy, and loyalty to what they’re working on while striving to reach goals, solve problems, and make improvements.

Committed customer service representative who specializes in enhancing customer satisfaction, experience, and retention. 

2. Dedicated

A dedicated individual is one who is devoted to their work and shows this through their actions, efficiency, and perseverance.

Dedicated sales professional with an impressive track record of consistently exceeding quarterly targets. 

3. Diligent

To be diligent means to consistently give maximum effort to your duties or tasks while maintaining a high level of attention to detail.

Diligent market strategist with a keen eye on financial trends and investment opportunities. 

4. Driven

Someone who is driven is motivated to succeed, passionate about working hard, and doesn’t depend on others to instruct them on every task.

Driven SEO specialist who has experience creating successful campaigns that have significantly increased brand awareness.

5. Efficient

An efficient individual uses their time and energy wisely to get as much done as quickly and productively as possible with minimal mistakes.

Efficient team leader who strives to keep others motivated and informed in order to execute complex projects on time and within budget. 

6. Enthusiastic

An enthusiastic person is optimistic, energetic, and works hard to achieve not only because they have to but also because they enjoy doing so.

Enthusiastic copywriter who is committed to contributing to a positive and dynamic work environment. 

7. Meticulous

To be meticulous means to be extremely attentive when it comes to details, regardless of how big or small.

Meticulous fashion designer known for creativity and originality, with a desire to drive fashion trends towards sustainability. 

8. Motivated

Someone who is motivated is constantly compelled by their own will to reach goals and attain success.

Motivated graphic designer known for precision and innovation in visual branding and marketing. 

9. Productive

To be productive means to work efficiently to complete many tasks and duties in a timely manner to produce positive results.

Productive sales associate, passionate about increasing profits while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. 

10. Resourceful

A resourceful individual can solve problems on their own and use what’s available to complete their work effectively.

Resourceful IT specialist who thrives on solving complex technical issues with innovative solutions. 

11. Tenacious

Someone who is tenacious is bold, determined, and doesn’t give up easily when faced with obstacles or challenges.

Tenacious lawyer who fights passionately to secure favorable terms and win cases for underprivileged clients.
Dilegent marketing strategist who has conceptualized and executed several successful campaigns that have increased brand awareness and profits.

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