Clear and Effective Writing Makes Your Business Succeed

LanguageTool helps teams around the world elevate their writing as well as strengthen their brand through defining a corporate voice.

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Multilingual LanguageTool for a Multilingual World

LanguageTool corrects spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in more than thirty languages. It can also enrich your writing with in-depth style suggestions.

Better Together

With Exclusive Team Features

We take care of perfecting your writing, so your team can focus on more important things. With LanguageTool’s exclusive features for teams, unprofessional language and awkward errors are a thing of the past.

Works Where You Write

Get tips on enhancing your writing, whether you’re writing an email, a blog post, or just a simple tweet—regardless of which language you’re typing in.

Ready for International Teams

Focus on what to write, not how to write it. LanguageTool automatically detects languages and offers instant suggestions that help your team write fluently. 

Team Dictionary

Add often-used custom words and phrases to your Team Dictionary, and they won’t be marked as errors ever again. This is especially useful when using industry-specific terms or names.

Style Guide

With Style Guide for teams, you can create custom rules to define a tone and writing style for all team members to use. 

Your Team Is in Good Hands

These are just some of the many benefits of using LanguageTool for teams.

Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance

We value your privacy. LanguageTool is GDPR-conform and hosted in the EU. For more information, please take a look at our Privacy Policy.

Integrations and Apps

Use LanguageTool’s advanced spelling, grammar, and style corrections, regardless of where you write and what tools you use. Our extensive portfolio of add-ons, extensions, and apps offers solutions for every use case.

User Management and Roles

Manage users and decide who can add new rules and add words to your dictionary for anybody. With their team account, users can take advantage of all available add-ons and app extensions.

Team Dictionary and Style Guide

With the Team Dictionary and Style Guide, your team is ready to take off. Make embarrassing typos and vague language a thing of the past.

Cloud and On-Premise Version

LanguageTool offers scalable and reliable solutions for everybody—whether you are a growing team or an established corporation.

All Languages and Suggestions

LanguageTool checks texts for spelling and grammar mistakes in more than twenty languages. Additionally, it enriches your writing with helpful style suggestions.

Consistent Brand Communication—Regardless of Size

LanguageTool offers flexible and reliable solutions for every stage of your business, from start-ups to grown-ups.

LanguageTool Cloud

Easy setup. Full control. Leave the infrastructure to us and benefit from LanguageTool’s exclusive team features and latest updates.

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LanguageTool On-Premise

We keep your data safe. If you think you can do better, host your own LanguageTool server with LanguageTool’s on-premise version.

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What LanguageTool Can Do for You

Only with LanguageTool

LanguageTool comes in 30+ languages. See what's in for


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Grammar & Punctuation

Incorrect Word Order
example Why I am not living with you? I am am I If this is a question, the word order is probably incorrect. Did you mean “Why am I”… ?
Wrong Use of Tenses & Words
example He did mentioned this earlier. mentioned mention After the auxiliary verb ‘do’, use the base form of a verb. Did you mean “mention”?
Basic Commas
example I am done and you? and , and Possible missing comma found.
Wrong Punctuation
example Teachers are uploading lectures and PPT's to the school website. PPT's PPTs A possessive apostrophe is not correct here. Did you mean “PPTs” (as in ‘more than one PPT’)?
Agreement Errors
example Thanks for all the reply. all the reply all the replies Did you forget to use the plural form here? If not, consider inserting ‘of’ after the determiner ‘all’.
Incorrect Word Combinations
example I like the car who has the big wheels. who that Did you mean “that”? ‘Who’ usually refers to a person, whereas ‘that’ refers to an object.
Advanced Missing Commas
example If it's fine with you go ahead without me you you, Consider inserting a comma after ‘you’ to make the sentence clearer.
Superfluous Commas
example I did that, because I was told so. , because because If the ‘because’ clause is essential to the meaning, do not use a comma before the clause.
In-Depth Punctuation
example Mr Peters told me so. Mr Mr. In American English, use a period after an abbreviation.


Basic Standard Language
example You've gotta new car. 've gotta got a The word ‘gotta’ is informal.
Unofficial Spellings & Non-Standard Forms
example The Super Bowl 56 happened in 2022. Super Bowl 56 Super Bowl LVI Do you want to use the official name including Roman numerals “Super Bowl LVI”?
Different Measurement Units
example It was 12 feet long. 12 feet 12 feet (3.66m) Writing for an international audience? Consider adding the metric equivalent.
example I am able to download the attachment to my local drive. I am able to see the files, but I don't know what to do then. I am able to see I can see You have already used this phrasing in nearby sentences. Consider replacing it to add variety to your writing.
Overused Words & Phrases
example It will take some time to get to a decision get to reach Replace ‘get’ with a more descriptive word to set your writing apart from others.
example In order to achieve anything, you should try. In order to To Consider a shorter alternative to avoid wordiness.
Informal Style Detection
example I will quit my job this month. quit resign from The word ‘quit’ may be considered informal sometimes. Use a more formal alternative in these situations.
Foreign Terms
example They threatened to resign from their jobs en masse. en masse all together To make your text as clear as possible to all readers, do not use this foreign term. Consider using an alternative term.


Incorrect Dates
example I was working on Thursday, April 11, 2011. Thursday, April 11, 2011 The date April 11, 2011 is not a Thursday, but a Monday.
Lack of Clarity
example Although it was raining, but we had the picnic. but - The word ‘but’ is not needed here and should be removed.
Word Confusion
example The court's decision set a key precedence. precedence precedent. Did you mean “precedent”? (As in ‘set an example’)
Double Negation
example Mike thought the instructor would not say nothing to him about that. nothing anything Did you mean “anything”?
Wrong Name in E-Mail
example To: | Hello Sophie, Sophie Sophia Did you mean “Sophia”?

Format & Typography

Inconsistent Use of Numbers & Letters
example We heard the same story 5 or six times. 5 or six The numbering is inconsistent as you are switching between digits (1, 2, 3, …) and letters (one, two, three, …). Try to stick to one format if possible.
Incorrect Time and Date Formats
example I just checked and it's 13:14 am. 13:14 am If you are trying to use the 12-hour format, the time notation seems to be incorrect here.
Inconsistent Spacing
example A 30 % increase is sufficient. 30 % 30% In non-scientific texts, do not use a space in ‘30 %’.
Incorrect Currency Formats
example I owe him 100 £ for the car. 100 £ £100 The currency mark is usually put at the beginning of the number.


Basic Typos
example I live in Londonn. Londonn London Possible spelling mistake found.
Misspelled Names & Acronyms
example That would be a serious HIPPA violation. HIPPA HIPAA Did you mean ‘HIPAA’, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act”?
Casing Errors
example I know the bill of rights. bill of rights Bill of Rights “Bill of Rights” should be capitalized, as it is a proper noun.
ISBN & IBAN Numbers
example My IBAN is GB82WEST1234569876543. GB82WEST1234569876543 IBAN values starting with ‘GB’ consist of 22 characters (incl. ‘GB’), this one has 21 characters


Character limit per text field
10,000 150,000
All Languages & Dialects
Personal Dictionary
Text Statistics
Personal Style Guide
Team Features
Picky Mode
Sentence rephrasing by A.I.
3 per day


Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox

Learn More About LanguageTool

Read more about the latest changes of our product on our Insights Blog.

LanguageTool: The Crème De La Crème of Spelling and Grammar Checkers

What makes LanguageTool’s spelling and grammar checker stand out from the rest of the crowd? A lot.

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How a LanguageTool Team Account Can Improve Writing

A LanguageTool Team Account brings many benefits including the Style Guide, Team Dictionary, and more!

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LanguageTool’s Style Guide for Business Helps Your Team Stay Cohesive, Consistent, and On-Brand

LanguageTool’s Style Guide ensures that your team’s communication clearly and consistently represents your business’ brand, style, and tone.

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Add Industry-Specific Words to LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary

LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary feature lets you add industry-specific words so that your team can avoid costly mistakes and remain consistent.

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Get Started Today

Make inconsistent brand communication and embarrassing writing mistakes a thing of the past. We check for flawless language, so you can focus on the contents.