Understand the Issue With Common Phrases
English has countless frequently used phrases, including several expressions that we use to get our point across. Of course, they’re beneficial to know, but we should be careful not to depend on them. If we use only these common phrases, it may seem as if our vocabulary is limited.
One of these expressions is I understand, which straightforwardly conveys one’s comprehension of something. Consider adding the following phrases to your vocabulary if you want to sound more fluent.
Understood? Perfect. Let’s dive in!

Eleven Synonyms for “I Understand”
1. I catch your drift
This expression is a colloquial and friendly alternative to I understand. It’s a phrase you’d use with a classmate or friend, but not with the CEO of the company you work for.
I catch your drift—everything you explained makes sense to me.
2. I comprehend
Think of comprehend as being a slightly more advanced synonym for understand. I comprehend is a formal expression, so you’re more likely to hear it in professional, academic, and other similar settings.
I comprehend your reasoning and will inform the team of your decision.
3. I get the gist of what you’re saying
Gist is a noun that means “the main point.” So, I get the gist of what you’re saying is an informal synonym for I understand the essence of what you’re saying.
I was initially confused, but now I get the gist of what you’re saying.
4. I get you
If someone says I get you, they’re simply saying they understand you. It doesn’t imply a physical action of “getting” you with their hands. This expression is best reserved for casual conversations and should not be used in formal contexts.
Yeah, I get you. That test had nothing to do with what we went over in class.
5. I’m aligned with your perspective
This alternative is not succinct. But it is a formal, albeit wordy, way to indicate that you recognize and agree with someone’s viewpoints. If you try to use this phrase casually with your friends, they may give you a puzzled look. However, it’s fitting for professional settings.
Now that everything has been cleared up, I can confidently say I’m aligned with your perspective.
6. I’m following you
Again, this expression is not to be taken literally. When someone says I’m following you, that doesn’t mean they’re trailing you around the room like a lost puppy. No, this expression means they’re listening to and comprehending what you’re saying.
I’m following you; the updated software should be released as soon as possible.
7. I see what you mean
I see what you mean indicates that you recognize what someone is explaining to you. A shortened version of this phrase is I see.
The presentation was helpful, and now I see what you mean.
8. I see what you’re saying
Like the option above, I see what you’re saying conveys that you’re not confused about what someone else is expressing. It’s usually said as a response to someone explaining something to you.
I see what you’re saying—the company could endure huge financial losses if we don’t address this urgently.
9. I see where you’re coming from
The last of the I see phrases has a similar meaning: it indicates that you comprehend someone’s perspective and the reasoning behind why they would say or believe something.
I see where you’re coming from. I would’ve been angry, too, if my birthday gift had been delivered to the wrong house.
10. That makes sense
Although this phrase may not be a direct synonym of I understand, it’s often used informally to convey the same sentiment.
Yeah, that makes sense. Getting the later flight wasn’t feasible.
11. That’s clear
Lastly, that’s clear is a phrase that’s used to state that what someone has told you is, well, clear and understandable.
That’s clear. Now I know why tackling multiple issues at once is not a good idea.
Be Understood Through Your Writing
Great! Now you know eleven other ways to tell people that you understand them.
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