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Ten Words To Use Instead of “Very”

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Take your writing to the next level by removing the word “very” from your text. We’ll give you ten “very” synonyms, and show you other techniques that can elevate your writing.

Need another word for very? We can help!
The word “very” can function as an adverb or adjective.
Other Words for Very

A few synonyms you can use in place of very are incredibly, absolutely, and tremendously.

  • I am incredibly grateful.
  • I am absolutely grateful.
  • I am tremendously grateful.

What’s Wrong With “Very”?

Very is a popular word because it’s so versatile. As an adverb, it modifies adjectives (or other adverbs) by adding intensity.

It was a very fun party.

However, very is often overused as an intensifier and can therefore weaken writing. Let’s check out this paragraph:

It was a very fun party. You can tell Doris was very focused and committed to the theme because the decorations were very well-done. Not only was the food very tasty, too, but the drinks were very good, and the music was very fun.

Do you see how constantly using the word very can ruin the flow of your writing? It also makes it more difficult to visualize.

Luckily, the English language has several synonyms you can use instead. Below, we’ll go through a list of very synonyms, but also show you other ways to remove this word from your writing.

Use Another Word for “Very”

There are many ways to remove the word very from your writing. The easiest is to simply replace it with another adverb.

Please remember that very has different uses and meanings. Although it can also be used as an adjective that means “exact” (e.g., It was that very man), the synonyms below replace very when being used as an adverb that means “extremely.”

1. Absolutely

She has a very gorgeous house.
She has an absolutely gorgeous house.

2. Exceptionally

The students had a very fun time exploring the museum.
The students had an exceptionally fun time exploring the museum.

3. Extremely

I’m very curious to know how that happened.
I’m extremely curious to know how that happened.

4. Incredibly

Carly is very thrilled to start school next year.
Carly is incredibly thrilled to start school next year.

5. Tremendously

We are very thankful for everything you’ve done.
We are tremendously thankful for everything you’ve done.

6. Awfully

I’m very sorry for forgetting to bring the gift.
I’m awfully sorry for forgetting to bring the gift.

7. Deeply

Warren told me he was very embarrassed about what happened.
Warren told me he was deeply embarrassed about what happened.

8. Exceedingly

This is becoming very difficult.
This is becoming exceedingly difficult.

9. Excessively

The presentation is still very long.
The presentation is still excessively long.

10. Terribly

I’m very cold in there.
I’m terribly cold in there.

Please be aware that very is used often because it fits in many sentences, regardless of the scenario. The synonyms above, however, aren’t necessarily as flexible. For instance, absolutely, exceptionally, extremely, incredibly, and tremendously tend to be used in a positive sense to show that something is important or impressive. Conversely, awfully, deeply, exceedingly, excessively, and terribly are typically used in more somber and serious situations.

Use More Accurate Synonyms

Another way you can remove the word very from your writing is to use stronger vocabulary. For example, instead of saying very pretty, you can simply use a more accurate (and concise) adjective, such as gorgeous.

Here are a few more examples of better adjectives you can use:

Need a synonym of very? LanguageTool helps you find them easily.
Do you want to improve your writing? Remove “very” phrases and replace them with a more accurate adjective.

Use Descriptive Writing

Once you become familiar with synonyms of very and how to use more accurate adjectives, you can try another strategy to completely remove very from your writing: rewriting the sentence to include more descriptive writing.

It was a very busy night at the restaurant.

The restaurant was bustling. Servers were zooming past each other, rushing to greet the customers and take their orders. Even the music was drowned out by the sound of the constant chatter in the air.

The first example is direct, but it doesn’t help you visualize the scene. The second example provides vivid descriptions, which allows your audience to better envision your writing. Keep in mind, though, that there’s a time and place for descriptive writing. Only use it when you know it’s appropriate.

One “Very” Last Tip To Improve Your Writing

It almost seems too easy, but removing very (and other intensifying adverbs like really) from your vocabulary is an incredibly effective way to enhance your writing.

However, there’s an even simpler way to sharpen your writing skills: by using LanguageTool.

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