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What To Say Instead of “I Just Wanted To Follow Up”

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If you’re looking for another way to say “I just wanted to follow up,” you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find seven effective alternatives.

Need another way to say I just wanted to follow up? LanguageTool can help.
I just wanted to follow up is a common email phrase.
Other Ways To Say “I Just Wanted To Follow Up”

  • I just wanted to follow up is a widely used email phrase. A few alternatives you can use instead are:
    • Can you please give me an update on the project?
      What’s the status of the report?
      I’m checking in on the email below.

Writing Follow-Up Emails

If you write numerous emails for work or school, you probably find yourself using the same wording time and time again. The best way to write effectively is to avoid using these copy-and-paste phrases.

These seven I’m just following up alternatives will not only enhance your fluency but will also help you get your message across more clearly.

Instead of saying I just wanted to follow up, try the alternatives below.
Delete overused email phrases from your vocabulary and use clear and effective alternatives.

Seven Other Ways To Say “I Just Wanted To Follow Up”

As you may have guessed, I just wanted to follow up (or its variations like I’m just following up) is a phrase that’s used in follow-up emails. Put differently, when you’re checking in on the status of something or making sure that your colleague or employee is doing okay on a task, you’re following up.

The major issue with this phrase is that it doesn’t explicitly state what you’re asking for or seeking. Consider the following example:

Hi Sally,
I just wanted to follow up on how the project is going.


And then Sally responds:

Hi Kenneth,
The project is going well.


Sally’s response was as unclear as Kenneth’s initial email. Because he didn’t distinctly ask for specific information, Sally didn’t provide it. That’s why it’s vital to be as direct as possible when writing emails. The following alternatives are clear-cut and could be used in place of I just wanted to follow up.

1. Can you please give me an update on X?

Hi Lewis,
Can you please give me an update on finding a new graphic designer for the team? I’m excited about the direction the company is heading.  


2. What’s the status of X?

What’s the status of the budget report? Was it approved by both parties? I need to know before I proceed with the purchase.

Thanks for your help,

3. Has there been any progress on X?

Dear Mr. Patterson,
Has there been any progress on the closing of the house? My clients are eager to close the deal.


4. Where are we with X?

Hello Regina,
Where are we with the signatures needed for the petition? I would love to turn everything in by Friday EOD. Please let me know if you require any help.


5. Do you need any support from me on X?

Dear Lester,
Do you need any support from me with the task Quincy assigned to you? I’d love to help, just let me know.


6. I’m checking in on X.

Hi Nina,
I’m checking in on the errors the accounting department found. Has everything been rectified? Let me know if there’s any way I can help.


7. I’m circling back on X.

I’m circling back on the catalogs that are scheduled to be sent out in three days. Has everything been edited and proofread? Thanks for your help with this project.


Writing Follow-Up Emails: What To Keep in Mind

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind if you want to write the perfect follow-up email.

  • Be direct! Say exactly what you need to say. Avoid using phrases like I’m just following up, and you’ll no longer receive fuzzy, unclear responses.
  • Be polite. Being direct doesn’t mean you have to be rude. Always use please and thank you when appropriate. If you’d like, you can open with I hope this email finds you well or its alternatives.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors. Trust us: There’s nothing as gut-wrenching as noticing an error after you click the send button. LanguageTool—a multilingual spelling and grammar checker—not only corrects these mistakes, but it can also help improve your style and tone with the help of its rephrasing feature.

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