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15 Other Ways To Say “Team Player” in Your Resume

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“Team player” is constantly used in resumes. If you want to use more advanced and original vocabulary, check out the list below. The examples listed will show you exactly how to include them in your resume to help you get your dream job.

White text over purple background reads "Other Ways To Say Team Player."
If you’re looking for other ways to say “team player,” you’ve come to the right place.
Team Player: Quick Summary

A team player is someone who works well with other people. It’s an important trait to have, and one that many employers look for.

One of many phrases that can be used in place of team player is team-oriented.

  • Proven track record of being a team-oriented professional, willing to work closely with others to achieve goals.

What’s Wrong With Using “Team Player” in a Resume?

Your dream job is just within reach; all you have to do is write an impressive resume. But how can you set yourself apart from the other applicants who are vying for the same position? One way is to use advanced and original vocabulary.

Hiring managers spend hours and hours reading resumes and often come across the same descriptions and adjectives that describe potential employees. One phrase that is frequently used is team player. Although it’s a great quality, surely there are other ways for individuals to describe themselves, right?

Right! Below, we’ll go over what team player means and provide a list of phrases and adjectives you can use instead to help make your resume stand out.

“Team Player” Meaning

A team player refers to someone who works well in close collaboration with a group of people. They usually prioritize the success of the group over their own. Although most people would like to think of themselves as team players, many aren’t and actually perform better when working alone.

The company is looking for a team player who is committed to providing quality customer service.
We were having issues collaborating because one of the members was not a team player.
She is known to be a team player, always helping others and ensuring their success.
GRaphic shows coworkes sitting around a table and text that reads "A team player is someone who works well with other people and can communicate and collaborate effectively."
Having employees who are team players is integral to the success of a company.

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with using the phrase team player in your resume. However, it’s used so often that it can be considered cliché or unoriginal. If you want to use more authentic and descriptive vocabulary, consider the following phrases and adjectives.

Other Ways To Say “Team Player” (With Examples)

The following phrases can replace the term team player. The examples show how you can incorporate them into the work experience section of your resume, but feel free to use them as you see fit.

Instead of "Team Player," You Can Say: Team-oriented, supportive team member, thrive in a team environment, embrace teamwork, work effectively in a team environment."
There are many other phrases and expressions you can use in place of “team player.”
1. Team-oriented
Team-oriented individual who strives to collaborate with others to reach the best possible outcome of a job or task.
2. Supportive team member
Known to be a supportive team member, always willing to be of assistance to others.
3. Thrive in a team environment
Worked closely with various departments to achieve project objectives and thrived in a team environment, fostering open communication and cooperation.
4. Embrace teamwork
Strong ability to embrace teamwork through effective communication, exchanges of ideas, and collective problem-solving.
5. Work effectively in a team environment
Proven track record of working effectively in team environments by leveraging the ability to cooperate with colleagues to achieve goals and deliver quality results.
6. Team-focused
Demonstrated a strong, team-focused mindset by actively contributing and collaborating with interdepartmental teams to build strong working relationships and drive shared success.

Words To Describe a “Team Player” (With Examples)

You can use the words below in the work experience section, or simply list them under the skills portion of your resume.

Words that describe a team player: Collaborator, adaptable, reliable, dependable, interdependent, encouraging, accountable, communicative, and cooperative.
Use these words in your resume to demonstrate that you’re a “team player.”
7. Cooperative
Strong cooperative skills with the ability to work effectively with teams.
8. Collaborator
Keen collaborator, proficient at working closely with diverse teams.
9. Interdependent
Well-recognized ability to work interdependently with several team members.
10. Adaptable
Highly adaptable professional, able to work well with others in diverse and evolving work environments.
11. Dependable
Recognized for being dependable, reliably completing assignments, and maintaining an open line of communication.
12. Encouraging
Skilled at being encouraging and motivating to team members, fostering a positive and uplifting environment that promotes individual and collective growth.
13. Accountable
Accountable professional, dedicated to fulfilling commitments, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with teams to achieve shared goals.
14. Communicative
Demonstrated ability to be communicative, excellent at expressing ideas, actively listening, and facilitating effective interaction to enhance collaboration.
15. Reliable
Known track record of being a reliable contributor, consistently completing tasks in a timely manner, providing support, and maintaining strong work standards.

Don’t Let Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation Errors Slip Into Your Resume

Don’t just say you’re a team player; use the phrases and words listed above to show it. Doing this is guaranteed to make you stand out in a sea of dull resumes.

However, even if you use these alternatives, there’s one thing you can do that is sure to land your resume in the garbage: neglect to edit for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Everyone thinks they wouldn’t make this mistake, but it happens all the time. Typos, misplaced commas, and common grammar mistakes can sneak into the resumes of even the most proficient writers.

Avoid this by using LanguageTool to correct your text to ensure a flawless resume. Not only does this advanced, multilingual writing assistant correct various errors, but it can also help paraphrase your sentences to be more formal and professional, allowing you to really impress your prospective bosses.

Known to be a coperative professional, willing to assist others to achieve individual and shared sucess.

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