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LanguageTool: A Multilingual Spelling and Grammar Checker

powered by LanguageTool

Are you looking for a spelling and grammar checker that is multilingual? You’re in luck! Continue reading to learn more about LanguageTool and the languages it supports.

Looking for a spell checker and grammar checker that supports multiple languages? Look no more!
LanguageTool supports several languages and dialects.
What Languages Can LanguageTool Detect Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Errors in?

LanguageTool is an advanced writing assistant that supports over 30 languages. Its main languages are English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Portuguese.

It also supports a variety of different dialects. For example, LanguageTool supports Australian, British, Canadian, New Zealand, South African, and American English.

The Benefits of Being Multilingual

Being able to speak more than one language has more pros than cons. A few of the pros are:

  • having a wider range of vocabulary that allows you to express yourself more accurately.
  • being able to appreciate and enjoy more shows, music, books, memes, etc.
  • having access to more employment opportunities.

There’s only one con we can think of: finding a spelling and grammar checker that is just as multilingual as you are.

Enter LanguageTool: a spelling and grammar checker that supports over 30 languages. Yes, you read that right. LanguageTool can check your texts for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in several languages. But it does much more than that. Below, we’ll go over what LanguageTool is and which languages it supports.

What Is LanguageTool?

LanguageTool is an intelligent writing assistant. It detects (and corrects) various types of errors, whether it be a misspelled word, complex grammar issue, or misplaced punctuation.

Truth be told, there are many spelling and grammar checkers out there that do this. So, what sets LanguageTool apart?

A lot.

LanguageTool enhances your writing not just by correcting errors, but by strengthening your text all around. It does this by suggesting stylistic improvements, helping you avoid redundancies, and easily providing synonyms that can help you get your message across more accurately.

As if that weren’t impressive enough, LanguageTool can also elevate your writing by helping rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, simple, or concise.

Please Note

The rephrasing feature is currently available in English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Simply put, LanguageTool is an advanced text editor that can help take your writing from average to exceptional.

Which Languages Are Supported?

As we already mentioned, being able to speak more than one language is advantageous. However, being multilingual also means having to remember a seemingly infinite number of grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules. It can be easy to mix up rules or mistakenly carry them over from another language.

That’s what makes LanguageTool the superior grammar and spelling checker: It can help improve your writing regardless of which language you’re writing in.

LanguageTool can help you avoid common mistakes that occur when you write in two (or more) languages.

LanguageTool’s Premium languages are:

  • English
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

LanguageTool also supports:

  • Arabic
  • Asturian
  • Belarusian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Chinese
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Esperanto
  • French
  • Galician
  • Greek
  • Irish
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Khmer
  • Norwegian
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog
  • Tamil
  • Ukrainian

It’s worth noting that LanguageTool also supports different dialects of several languages.

  • English: Australia, British, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, US
  • German: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
  • Portuguese: Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, Portugal

How To Set or Change a Language on LanguageTool

1. Open the editor (Windows, Mac, or online editor).

2. Click “setting” on the left-hand side of the editor.

LanguageTool is a multilingual spell checker.
Choosing a language on LanguageTool is easy.

3. Under “Account,” click on “General.”

LanguageTool is a multilingual grammar checker.
The LanguageTool Editor's appearance can also be changed under “General Settings.” 

4. Choose your display language and mother tongue.

LanguageTool supports 30+ languages.
Don't forget to choose both the Display Language and Mother Tongue.

5. (Optional) Choose a standard variety.

LanguageTool supports many dialects too.
You can also choose a language variety. 
Automatic Language Detection

Please keep in mind that LanguageTool has automatic language detection. That means you don’t have to keep going back to settings to switch languages based on the one you’re writing in. Just start writing and LanguageTool’s editor will automatically detect the language after at least five typed words.

Did you know that LanguageTool supports Oxford English as a seventh (unofficial) dialect for English? If you have selected British English as your language variant, you can opt to follow the Oxford spelling standards. While this won’t bring significant changes, it will consider words ending in “-ize” and “-ization” as correct, whereas British spelling standards use “-ise” and “-isation.”

Find the option for Oxford spelling in your settings of LanguageTool.
The Oxford spelling can be preferred within the British English variety.

What’s the Difference Between “Display Language” and “Mother Tongue”?

Display Language is the language on the editor’s user interface. In other words, it’s the language you see when you’re using the LanguageTool Editor.

Please note that the language you select here plays no role in the correction of your writing.

Mother Tongue, on the other hand, does play a role in enhancing your text—specifically when it comes to detecting false cognates (also known as false friends).

What Are “False Friends”?

False friends are words in two different languages that sound the same and therefore cause you to believe they mean the same thing. For example, embarrassed in English means “feeling self-conscious confusion,” while embarazada in Spanish means “pregnant.” If you’re an English speaker learning Spanish, it would make sense for you to assume that these words mean the same thing.

Once you have your Mother Tongue set, LanguageTool will warn you about possible false friends.

LanguageTool is a spell checker and grammar checker that supports 30+ languages.
The false friend detection can help you avoid many errors. 

What Are “Single-Word Translations”?

Speaking and writing in multiple languages isn’t always smooth sailing. Regardless of where you are in your language journey, it’s common to forget words, even in your mother tongue. Luckily, LanguageTool can help.

If ever you’re writing in a language that isn’t your assigned mother tongue and you forget a word, just write in the language you do know it in. LanguageTool will then find the word you’re looking for in the respective language.

Use LanguageTool's free grammar and spell checker.
LanguageTool can help when you forget certain words. 

False friends detection and single-word translations are only available for certain languages.

LanguageTool: A Multilingual Writing Assistant for a Multilingual World

Being multilingual takes a lot of effort and hard work. Whether you’ve already mastered multiple languages or have just started your journey, LanguageTool makes it easier by ensuring your text is flawless—regardless of which language you’re writing in.

Unleash the Professional Writer in You With LanguageTool

Go well beyond grammar and spell checking. Impress with clear, precise, and stylistically flawless writing instead.

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